Guiding Lights

Guiding Lights
South Haven Lighthouse

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Snowing In Mid-April

Let me tell you about some crazy weather in Michigan. I often wonder why I am here in Michigan and not some place warm. Two Sundays ago (April 10), we had 80 degree weather. Darryl and I were out in the yard cleaning up the mess Michigan winter left behind (that we thought) and transplanting herbs and berries. Alas, we were blinded by our eagerness that we forgot there was no Spring in Michigan. On Monday last week (April 18), we had 4" of snow. Snow in mid-April? What's up with that? I really do have pictures to prove the white stuff on the ground which is called "SNOW" but they are all in my camera yet to be downloaded. Instead, I found this video clip from my local TV station.

Snowing In Mid-April

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