Guiding Lights

Guiding Lights
South Haven Lighthouse

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Death is messy!!!

Have you ever seen any dead animals on the road?  If so, have you ever wonder how and what had happened to them that they were laying on the road?  Here in the midwest, we have lots of wild animals and they are forced to co-exist with humans because we are invading their territories.  Here is the story of an abruptly ended life of a deer.

I live in the country and often see many wild animals - mostly live ones.  The house is built in the middle of corn field.  Today has been a bit different.  I received a call from a colleague right after lunch today.  She lives a few blocks south of me and she was on her way home for lunch.  She called to inform me that there was a dead deer, well half of it, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY DRIVEWAY.  Apparently, this poor deer got hit by a semi, was dragged over, and smeared his guts and blood all over the road right in front of my drive.  She said it would be hard for me to get into my driveway without driving over the deer.  What a joy!  I wanted to come home and take a picture of the massacre but thought that it might be a cruel thing to do.  The remains of the dead deer is still in front of my driveway.  I am not sure what a proper thing to do might be - call the County Road Commission for clean up?

Updates (3/31/11) - the remains of this dead deer are still in front of the driveway.  It has been a challenge for me to go in and out without running over it.  Still don't know where to call for clean up and still tempted to take a picture before it gets too bad.


Van said...

Have you tried informing the local police or ranger?

Chungkeguri said...

We don't usually call the local police for dead animals on the road unless you are in an accident by hitting an animal or running over one and damage your vehicle or being hurt. We have many park rangers but they don't usually deal with dead animals. I found out that the country road commission used to pick up dead animals on the road but due to a budget cut, they don't provide the service any more. Some of my colleagues offered their help clean up the mess but we still don't know what to do with the body. Some suggested to drag it out to the other side of the road but I can't deal with the thought of touching it.

Ray said...

Is the body still out there then? That sounds awful! When I first saw road kills in the States, I was fairly shocked, even though they were mostly small animals such as squirrels or skunks, well, sometimes raccoons. But a deer? Jeez!

If the local police don't do the job like cleaning dead animals, it's still a good idea to call them or 911, I guess. It's worth a try.

Chungkeguri said...

The deer is gone! Well, sort of. It is now cross the street. Darryl called three different places (the County Road Commission, Vicksburg Village Office, and Sheriff Office) to see if they could come and get that deer removed but no success. They didn't want to deal with it at all. Today, many of my colleagues asked me when I was going to get rid of that deer since they were sick and tired of looking at the terrible site. I was also told by my colleagues that we were responsible for removing the deer. So after everything failed, Darryl got a pair of thick rubber gloves and dragged the deer away from the driveway to the other side of the street toward the empty field. I am glad that I wasn't the one holding onto the legs of that dead deer. It hasn't gone for good; however, it is not in front of my driveway anymore.